Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rainy Day

Some advice I got today from my mentor:

"Ya know, even Jesus knew the beauty of just going off and sleeping for awhile."

It just made me smile first thing this morning, as I walked from morning prayer to breakfast, debating whether or not I would work a nap into my list of things to do today. Needless to say, I was sold haha!

I had initially intended for a nice bike ride today, but the weather spoiled that. But maybe instead God has different plans for me today, like the nap I took earlier, or some extra time to read my book on the side, outside of my little assignments. I might just go relax and stretch for a bit while listening to some music, and let that be my way of feeding my body today. We'll see what the day brings, the dreary weather could break soon and maybe I can get in a walk.

Part of my assignment today is to listen to a talk on a cassette tape, which is proving to be more challenging than I initially thought. I grew up with cassette tapes and players, they're not foreign technology to me. But the tape player is not cooperating. It's currently winning the battle, and it's not looking so good for me. I'll save round 2 for after lunch!

I've also decided in the last few days that God has a really good sense of humor. Summer literally ended the day before Labor Day. One day it's in the 80's and humid beyond all belief. The next it's chilly and rainy. Zero transition time, just *BOOM* here's fall. But, I have heard that it's expected to get a little warmer, up into the 70's, again before fall really settles in.

This time of year just always leaves me wondering, when the temperature drops like this, will that be it until spring? I wish there was a warning that came with the last summer-like day of the season: "Hey, enjoy this, because that's all you're getting for like 8 months!!"

If only :)

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