Monday, October 3, 2011

On the Mend

So Alyssa was sick with a cold last Saturday that left her laid up in bed all day while I played nurse. Yesterday, it was my turn. I woke up with a touch of a stomach bug bright and early at 5am that persisted into the evening. Not my ideal way to spend a day, sleeping and feeling so blah. But at least I feel better today. Many thanks to my wonderful nurse who got me numerous cups of ice, tummy medicine, and put up with my crabbing all day. And many thanks to the Sisters who are exceptionally motherly when they catch wind that either of us is sick, it's much appreciated!

Sickness aside, this weekend was quite a good one, if only for Friday night games alone.  I cannot even begin to do it justice, but I've never laughed that hard in my life. It was our usual gaming group, with a new-ish game up to try, and man was it ridiculous in every sense of the term. It was a really great way to spend a Friday night.

Saturday Alyssa and I ventured to Edinboro University to check out their open house. Turns out there wasn't much there for graduate students, it was mostly high school seniors lost in the cell phones while mom and dad asked all the important questions and got all the relevant info. But we did get the chance to talk to the grad admissions rep and get some important questions answered, while also filling out our applications for FREE. Gotta love it. It sounds like a really good, flexible program, it'd be really nice to get in. I should have an answer by the end of the month!

Today it was back to work, and it turned out to be a hectic day, but a good one nevertheless. My morning started out with finding a monarch butterfly on the ground just outside the van door this morning at work. I picked it up to move it off into the trees, and it was really neat to hold a butterfly on my hand like that. I put the picture below on Facebook this morning, and as one comment said "God has gently touched you." What an amazing way to look at it.

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