Monday, July 18, 2011

Here Goes.

So, here's my quick(ish) rundown of who I am, what I'm doing, and why I'm making this blog.

I'm 22 and just graduated from Canisius College with my bachelor's in psychology back in May. I'm more than half way through my summer, and 33 days away from moving into a monastery for an entire year.

Yes, you read right.

To answer the questions that are inevitable first: No, I'm not becoming a nun. And no, I'm not crazy (ok, maybe just a little, but it's part of my charm).

I'm participating in the Benedicta Riepp program with the Sisters of Saint Benedict in Erie, PA. It'll be a whole year of service in their ministries, prayer, reflection, and lots of growth spiritually and personally for me. The program is for women who find themselves in a transitory period of life and who need some time to figure out the next phase. What better time than being freshly graduated from college? I need some time to figure some things out before I go onto graduate school, and before I find myself as a full blown adult in the working world.

I'm looking forward to this coming year, but I'll admit I'm nervous. I'm mostly worried about the money issue as I have quite a burden with a car and insurance payment every month. But I've got a plan to make it work, I won't let money be the thing that stops me from doing this.

But I'm nervous about a few other aspects, and it's inevitable. I'll be living with women much older than me, and doing work that won't always be easy to handle. I'll be living further from home than I ever have before, and won't be able to come home to visit too often. But I have faith this year will be nothing but rewarding and that everything will work out. This is honestly one of the greatest things I can do for myself right now- both in preparing myself for a future career in social work, and in the spiritual and personal growth I know I will experience. And it helps that my best friend and I are doing this together, we'll have each other to lean on when times get tough.

Honestly, when it comes down to it, I couldn’t be more excited about this. The Sisters are phenomenal women, who have had quite the impact on my life. I cherish them, the monastery, and every second I spend there. I’m open to the challenges. I’m open to the changes. I can’t wait to see what the year with them has to offer.

So, here goes. The countdown is on, we're down to almost a month until this adventure begins. In the mean time I'm working lots, and trying to spend as much time as I can with my family because I won't be making it home too much this year. And I'm snuggling with my dog as much as is humanly possible- which for her is never too much.

Above all, I'm trying not to let the worries I have about this coming year get me too much.  God is in control of this whole thing, it's all going to work out just fine.



  1. Carrie, We are proud of your decision to dedicate a year to helping others, that is wonderful! We will keep you in Our prayers. Love Uncle Michael, Aunt Karin, Josh & Joseph

    p.s. The boys have them a blog in case you were wondering who JJ Creations is.

  2. Thank you, love you guys!! I would love to see the boys' blog!
