Sunday, October 30, 2011

Community Weekend

To say I'm getting the well rounded Erie Benedictine experience is an understatement. There are so many events I have participated in already, and it's only been about 10 weeks!

This weekend has been community weekend which included the oblate commitment ceremony Saturday night. It has been a jam packed and fun weekend, I'm so tired today! Friday night we played with old toys and played games, and everyone got to act like a kid again, it was crazy fun. All day Saturday we had a speaker who talked to us about healthy living, movement and how every little change we make for the better means something in the long run "the path to good health begins by taking one step at a time."

To the surprise of many who asked, the talks weren't over my head, as they were geared toward an older crowd. It's never too early to make a few healthy changes, it definitely got me thinking. Granted, it's hard to do when there is dessert multiple times a week. It seems we're always celebrating a Birthday or Feast Day, and when it's your special day you get to pick the dessert at dinner. I'd never want to offend anyone by turning down their chocolate frosted brownies or ice cream sundaes. I hear from everyone about how they gained a little weight when they joined the community. The freshman 15 from college was one thing, especially when it's still hanging on for dear life, I don't need the monastery 10 or 15 on top of that :)

I also want to say that it was great getting to meet a few of the Oblates who frequent my blog. It's interesting to me, to have all these people who I've never met before saying "Oh I love your blog/I read it every week/It's nice to finally meet you!" I even had one woman ask me if I was finally feeling better after my 3 week battle with a cold that I mentioned on here. It's pretty cool, I must say. Glad you all like it, can't wait to meet even more of you in the future. Thanks for being my biggest fan base, you rock :)

We read this Prayer of Teresa of Avila on Friday night at the prayer service that kicked off our community weekend. It really grabbed me and held on, this is exactly how I view the work I do everyday, put very beautifully:

"Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. 
Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world. 
Yours are the feet with which he walks about doing good. 
Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world. 

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes- 
Christ has no body now on earth but yours."


Friday, October 28, 2011

Celebration of Life

I'm not quite sure how to do justice to the events of the last few days, but I'll try.

As I mentioned in my last entry, we lost Sister Margaret Mary this past Sunday. I knew that I would witness a funeral while here this year, I just never thought it would happen so soon.

Wednesday night was her memorial service, and the funeral mass was held last night. I'm absolutely in awe at how this community mourns and celebrates a life well lived. The reverence for the one who has passed is astounding. Her Sisters upheld her all her life, as she died, and as she entered God's Kingdom.

Wednesday night began with a procession with Margaret Mary and the whole community from the chapel into the community room. As we walked through the halls in two lines, we sang "Glorify God. Cherish Christ. Listen to the Spirit. Reverence one another. Uphold all." I'm not sure a more moving experience exists.

Once in the community room, the stories began. There were tears, there were laughs, there was joy in the memories of her life. It's wonderful learning so much more about her, and sharing in some of her greatest memories. Following this we processed back into the chapel for prayers and singing. The funeral last night was absolutely beautiful. It felt like we were literally singing her soul into God's hands.

Witnessing all of this has really just left me in awe. Of course a death is always sad, there have been tears this week, there has been this heavy feeling in our hearts, she is missed terribly. But above all, we should celebrate the life of a lost loved one, always. She has reached her eternal reward, she's with God now. She's no longer in pain, or sick. She has come to full completion with God where she'll live forever.

I didn't know Sister Margaret Mary for very long, but I feel blessed to have met her. She made me feel so welcomed after my commitment ceremony. The morning after the event she grabbed me up, held both my hands, and told me how truly happy she was to have me here, and how much it made her smile to see me everyday. "I just want to keep you here forever!" she told me, in her sweet voice, with the greatest smile on her face, "I just love you so much!"

I love you too Sister Margaret Mary. I miss seeing you across the chapel in prayer, waving to you anytime I walked by you at a meal, and getting a huge kiss on the cheek anytime I stopped to chat. You'll be in our hearts always.

On a totally different note, I want to wish my little sister a happy 14th birthday! I miss you Squirt, and wish I could be there to celebrate with you :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Mix of Things

Yesterday Alyssa and I were able to spend a wonderful day with my mentor and some of her family. We went with her and her niece and nephew to Port Farms in Waterford, where we got to play and have a blast. We slid down huge slides, fed some goats, took a tractor ride, picked out some pumpkins and played in a giant pit full of corn kernels, among other things. It was fun playing with a 3 and 5 year old all day, it brings the kid in me right out, and it was just so much fun.

After a few hours spent there, we went back to the kids' farm to celebrate little Bryn's 3rd birthday with their whole family. We met a brand new baby cow, born Saturday night and got to explore their farm a little, and went for a real hay ride on their property. I also made friends with a very tiny baby kitten (who was found inside the house in someone's shoe, courtesy of one of the kids!) who seemed to think my collarbone was an appropriate place to find some food (it tickled, and was the cutest thing ever, hands down.) It was a jam packed day, but it was the perfect way to spend such a gorgeous fall day.

I'm sad to say that Sister Margaret Mary passed away yesterday afternoon. She will be greatly missed, but she's at peace now, she's no longer sick or in pain, she's with God. I will greatly miss her big hugs, and the kiss on the cheek that accompanied each one. Rest in peace Sister, it was a blessing to have known you.

Friday, October 21, 2011


1. The state or quality of being alone or remote from others.
2. A lonely or secluded place.
Yesterday was, of course, my reflection day. It was the first one in about a month that I actually relaxed. And didn't stress about all my loan garbage that has been occupying my mind for the last 4 weeks... at least for a little while.
I had the use of one of the hermitages out in the woods, which was perfect. I packed a bag and went out to the woods at around 8 in the morning. I napped for most of the morning- and it was glorious. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a nap so much, and it was probably the best sleep I've had in over a week. The rest of my day was spent reading a very good book, and working on my cross stitch. I had an idea to go for a run through the trails in the woods and down to the lake, but the rain moved in right as I was walking back into the Mount. 

It was very different to spend 9 hours in real solitude, in the quiet, with nothing to distract you, nothing to burden you, nothing pressing on you. It was good, it was nice, but man is it overwhelming to be in so much silence. It kind of gets to be too much. I had to turn the radio on while I was working on my sewing for the last hour and a half of my time in the woods, I just needed sound.
It's something I'd like to learn to do better, to really just be. To spend time in real quiet solitude without the incessant need to hear a voice, or to have my phone on me. To completely cut off, and have it be just me and God, just for a few hours. I don't think I could do 24 hours of solitude, but it'd be something to work up to.

In other news, I think this cold of mine is going for a record. We're pushing 3 weeks now. It's definitely not anything like it was last week, but there's this cough that is just hanging on for dear life. Maybe if I ignore it, it will just leave. I think it's just seeking attention. Maybe it will feel neglected and find someone else who will give it attention.

Maybe I should stop referring to it like it's an animate object, that might be the problem :)

Monday, October 17, 2011


The title has to do with a few things.

1- I'm still sick. Granted, I feel worlds better than I did on Wednesday and Thursday. But this cold will not.let.go. Dear mutant cold: You have given me (all at separate times) a sore throat, sinus headaches, chest congestion, coughing, sneezing, stolen my voice, I've almost cleared through an entire box of tissues, and I missed work last week. I think you've done it all. Move on. Its over. We're through.

2- Alyssa and I have been engrossed in this unending battle with two Sisters and a game called Sequence( see picture below for the game board). I think we've had 4 different face-offs at this point, each time playing numerous rounds of this game. It's the two of us versus the two of them every time. I will admit that they beat us when this all began, as Alyssa and I were still learning the game. But then we ran with it. We've won every time since then. This most recent time on Saturday night, we played 12 hands. We won 8 of those. We could have stopped when it was like 6 to 2, but they apparently just enjoy losing way too much to let up :)

3-  My excitement about being here, and doing this is strong as ever. I find myself sometimes just stopping, and looking at where I am and what I'm doing at that moment, and sometimes I can't believe it. I've said it a million times, I'll say it a million and ten more times, but these women really know how to make you feel welcome. We're not the outsiders, we're not the two young kids running around this place, we're part of their community, even if only for a short time. We were asked to be a big part of the Vigil Saturday night, which to me, is quite the honor. For more on that, check out Alyssa's Blog from this morning, because she pretty much stole the thoughts out of my brain.

4- Also ever increasing is my love of my jobs. SBEC is my big challenge, it's hard adjusting to being a teacher. But it's rewarding, it's fun, and it's growing on me. Kid's Cafe is still where my heart belongs, I feel it more everyday. Even today, when I was just not in the mood for all the attitude I was getting before we served dinner, I was ready to lose it. But I had a few of my girls who I'm growing close to completely turn my mood around. We played outside for a little bit and had a blast. I even had one of the girls try to put braids in my hair while I helped her tie her shoe. I thought it was cute and funny, but it h-u-r-t even though she only managed to keep me still for about 5 seconds. She definitely made my day :)

I guess all I can say is, keep it coming. I'm loving every second of this everyday.

Go team green :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I've got this stupid cold I just can't seem to kick, and it's made for quite the week.

It started last Thursday with a sore throat of epic proportions. The weekend provided no rest for the weary (but I'd have had it no other way!) and Monday came all too soon. Two days of work and I was down for the count as this pesky cold moved it's merry little way into my chest, and has set up shop there.

I woke up Wednesday with zero desire to do much but sleep for a few more hours, 5:45 in the morning was really just not doing it for me. I trudged myself upstairs to the room of our program director and begged to stay home from work. She told me to get back to be PRONTO. Today was my day off from work anyway, so I slept in again. I've only been making appearances at evening prayer and dinner for the past couple of days. Opting for my bed in the morning and lunch in the confines of one of our lounges downstairs in the afternoon.

The best part about today is having approximately no voice left, whatever is coming out is squeaky and raspy. It's adorable, truly. I am sounding a little better than I was this morning and earlier this afternoon though. But, I could still pass for a smoker of 30+ years if you didn't know any better.

With any luck, I'll feel worlds better and be back to work tomorrow. I've missed it. But I've been told approximately a thousand times that taking tomorrow off wouldn't be a bad thing either. We'll see. A little more mucinex, sleep, and soup might just kick it out of me.

I must say, it's pretty great having about a dozen motherly figures running around when you're sick. So much concern, so many different opinions on how I can make myself feel better, so many people fussing that I'm not sleeping enough. All kidding aside, it's really endearing, and much appreciated.

The warnings come constantly though "you're working with kids, you're going to get every illness in the book. Why, my first year teaching I had....." and insert every horrifying illness you can think of. I joked last night at dinner that I'm going to make an "Illness BINGO" card, and see how long it takes me to win. I've got two I could mark off so far. I'm not sure that's a game I want to win though, eek!

I haven't felt healthy in almost two weeks now. I'm ready to be back in tip-top shape. Now, if only my body would cooperate! It's not even winter yet, I don't need to be sick this early in the season!

Please send healthy thoughts my way. In the mean time, I'll still be making best friends with my Mucinex and a box of tissues.

Monday, October 10, 2011

"Cry Jubilee!"

To say this weekend was simply great would be an understatement. It was tremendous, wonderful, awesome, fantastic, and all around a great time (did I get enough adjectives in there?) It was Jubilee weekend here at the Mount, and it was definitely one to remember.

We have a new Riepper (that's our little nickname around here) on board, she joined us last Monday. We've been getting to know her a little here and there throughout the week. Friday night the three of us were sent to dinner, courtesy of the Mount, because they were having a very special "Sisters Only" dinner for the Jubilarians celebrating 60 years with the community. So we enjoyed a nice dinner at a local restaurant, and caught the last few minutes of the sunset out on the peninsula before rounding the night off with some ice cream. Not a bad way to spend a Friday.

Saturday was the big day, and the big celebration for the 4 Sisters celebrating 25 and 50 years with the community. Alyssa and I were drafted to help in various areas of set up and clean up before and after the event. We set up chairs and tables, and decorated. We arranged some very yummy looking cookie trays (and taste tested, of course!), and we directed traffic in the parking lot (on a side note- I'd like to thank the people who actually 1-stopped and 2- listened to me when I told them where to park. You're all wonderful, thank you!)

The ceremony itself was really beyond words, it was very moving, and there was so much energy in the room. It's really something else to be a part of these women renewing their monastic vows. Lots of singing, dancing, and celebrating. It was a wonderful afternoon.

The ceremony was followed later by a big party in town. Alyssa and I popped in after helping with some clean up here at the Mount. We were about as tired as could be, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate a little more. It was SO much fun. I was finally pulled onto the dance floor by the end of the night, and did a crazy dance to some Irish music. Extra thanks to my dance partner, we were smooth as could be!

Sunday was a less hectic day. After Liturgy in the morning, Alyssa and I spent most of the day running around town. The weather all weekend was immaculate, and we wanted to be out in it as much as possible. We went on a bit of a wild goose chase trying to find Mason's, a local farmer's market type place. We played around, fed some animals, got lost in a tiny corn maze and got some yummy cider and apples. Our next goal is to find a place with a huge corn maze (if anyone has any ideas of good ones in the area, let me know!)

Last night we made it back down to the peninsula to watch the sunset and have a bit of a picnic. After it was dark we headed downtown to the observation deck to get some pictures of the city lights. It was still so warm and beautiful out, it's unreal that it's almost the middle of October and still so nice. It won't last long though, but while it's here it's a blessing for sure!

Today both of my usual ministries are closed thanks to the holiday, but I'm helping work on the Sisters new home page. It's nice taking it a little easier today after such a hectic weekend. Plus I'm trying to kick a crummy cold that's been after me since Thursday.

I'm hoping this beautiful weather holds out for as long as possible. I'm not ready for the cold just yet!

Beautiful sunset Sunday night

Looking through the trees from the road

Lights down on the waterfront
I made a friend at Mason's

Monday, October 3, 2011

On the Mend

So Alyssa was sick with a cold last Saturday that left her laid up in bed all day while I played nurse. Yesterday, it was my turn. I woke up with a touch of a stomach bug bright and early at 5am that persisted into the evening. Not my ideal way to spend a day, sleeping and feeling so blah. But at least I feel better today. Many thanks to my wonderful nurse who got me numerous cups of ice, tummy medicine, and put up with my crabbing all day. And many thanks to the Sisters who are exceptionally motherly when they catch wind that either of us is sick, it's much appreciated!

Sickness aside, this weekend was quite a good one, if only for Friday night games alone.  I cannot even begin to do it justice, but I've never laughed that hard in my life. It was our usual gaming group, with a new-ish game up to try, and man was it ridiculous in every sense of the term. It was a really great way to spend a Friday night.

Saturday Alyssa and I ventured to Edinboro University to check out their open house. Turns out there wasn't much there for graduate students, it was mostly high school seniors lost in the cell phones while mom and dad asked all the important questions and got all the relevant info. But we did get the chance to talk to the grad admissions rep and get some important questions answered, while also filling out our applications for FREE. Gotta love it. It sounds like a really good, flexible program, it'd be really nice to get in. I should have an answer by the end of the month!

Today it was back to work, and it turned out to be a hectic day, but a good one nevertheless. My morning started out with finding a monarch butterfly on the ground just outside the van door this morning at work. I picked it up to move it off into the trees, and it was really neat to hold a butterfly on my hand like that. I put the picture below on Facebook this morning, and as one comment said "God has gently touched you." What an amazing way to look at it.