Friday, October 21, 2011


1. The state or quality of being alone or remote from others.
2. A lonely or secluded place.
Yesterday was, of course, my reflection day. It was the first one in about a month that I actually relaxed. And didn't stress about all my loan garbage that has been occupying my mind for the last 4 weeks... at least for a little while.
I had the use of one of the hermitages out in the woods, which was perfect. I packed a bag and went out to the woods at around 8 in the morning. I napped for most of the morning- and it was glorious. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a nap so much, and it was probably the best sleep I've had in over a week. The rest of my day was spent reading a very good book, and working on my cross stitch. I had an idea to go for a run through the trails in the woods and down to the lake, but the rain moved in right as I was walking back into the Mount. 

It was very different to spend 9 hours in real solitude, in the quiet, with nothing to distract you, nothing to burden you, nothing pressing on you. It was good, it was nice, but man is it overwhelming to be in so much silence. It kind of gets to be too much. I had to turn the radio on while I was working on my sewing for the last hour and a half of my time in the woods, I just needed sound.
It's something I'd like to learn to do better, to really just be. To spend time in real quiet solitude without the incessant need to hear a voice, or to have my phone on me. To completely cut off, and have it be just me and God, just for a few hours. I don't think I could do 24 hours of solitude, but it'd be something to work up to.

In other news, I think this cold of mine is going for a record. We're pushing 3 weeks now. It's definitely not anything like it was last week, but there's this cough that is just hanging on for dear life. Maybe if I ignore it, it will just leave. I think it's just seeking attention. Maybe it will feel neglected and find someone else who will give it attention.

Maybe I should stop referring to it like it's an animate object, that might be the problem :)

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