Thursday, October 13, 2011


I've got this stupid cold I just can't seem to kick, and it's made for quite the week.

It started last Thursday with a sore throat of epic proportions. The weekend provided no rest for the weary (but I'd have had it no other way!) and Monday came all too soon. Two days of work and I was down for the count as this pesky cold moved it's merry little way into my chest, and has set up shop there.

I woke up Wednesday with zero desire to do much but sleep for a few more hours, 5:45 in the morning was really just not doing it for me. I trudged myself upstairs to the room of our program director and begged to stay home from work. She told me to get back to be PRONTO. Today was my day off from work anyway, so I slept in again. I've only been making appearances at evening prayer and dinner for the past couple of days. Opting for my bed in the morning and lunch in the confines of one of our lounges downstairs in the afternoon.

The best part about today is having approximately no voice left, whatever is coming out is squeaky and raspy. It's adorable, truly. I am sounding a little better than I was this morning and earlier this afternoon though. But, I could still pass for a smoker of 30+ years if you didn't know any better.

With any luck, I'll feel worlds better and be back to work tomorrow. I've missed it. But I've been told approximately a thousand times that taking tomorrow off wouldn't be a bad thing either. We'll see. A little more mucinex, sleep, and soup might just kick it out of me.

I must say, it's pretty great having about a dozen motherly figures running around when you're sick. So much concern, so many different opinions on how I can make myself feel better, so many people fussing that I'm not sleeping enough. All kidding aside, it's really endearing, and much appreciated.

The warnings come constantly though "you're working with kids, you're going to get every illness in the book. Why, my first year teaching I had....." and insert every horrifying illness you can think of. I joked last night at dinner that I'm going to make an "Illness BINGO" card, and see how long it takes me to win. I've got two I could mark off so far. I'm not sure that's a game I want to win though, eek!

I haven't felt healthy in almost two weeks now. I'm ready to be back in tip-top shape. Now, if only my body would cooperate! It's not even winter yet, I don't need to be sick this early in the season!

Please send healthy thoughts my way. In the mean time, I'll still be making best friends with my Mucinex and a box of tissues.

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