Monday, April 30, 2012


It's hard to think of a post topic when my mind looks a little something like this lately:

"kadhfkjahdf374983r kjbd fdbafk@#124kajdsfalsdbvas"

I'm only mildly exaggerating.

A lot has been pressing on me, and I'll spare you the details. They're too long and complicated and I'm past that.

I've found myself wayyyy out of sorts lately. It took me about 7 months to hit a serious slump, but I hit it pretty darn hard.

I wish I could write this and say "I'm feeling like my normal self again- hoorah!" but I can't. And that's ok too. I'm transitioning, I'm getting there. I've been writing in my journal more to sort through some of my thoughts, and get out what I can't express to anyone out loud but God. I'm trying to motivate myself to be more active to blow off steam, get rid of some of this pent up energy and frustration and to spend time thinking.

Anyway, here I am. It's Monday night, it's about 9:30, I've been ready for bed since probably 6. Despite feeling tired all day and run down from a long weekend and not even getting home until about 8 tonight, I still came home, grabbed my rollerblades and my ipod and went outside to skate for about 25 minutes. It felt really good, the air was cool, the sky was growing dark and I just missed a storm by about 5 minutes when I finally came in.

Now, I titled this post music because as I was skating I had my ipod on. In general, I really like to get into my music, the lyrics, the beat, everything. I like lyrics that inspire me, I like a beat that motivates me. The right list of songs will push me through a grueling run or skate or a 4 hour car ride home.The right songs will calm me down and help me think.

As I was skating, I was picking a line out of each of the songs I was listening to. Most of them applied to me right now, some of the things I've been feeling in recent days and weeks, certain things I want to remind myself of everyday. So, here's just a few, I'll provide the Youtube links for your listening enjoyment (should you so wish to hear them) and the lines that grab at me.


Casting Crowns- The Altar and the Door 
"I'm trying so hard to stop trying so hard. Just let You be who you are, Lord who You are in me."

One Republic- All Fall Down
"Strong til you break, know that we all fall down."

When the Day Met the Night- Panic at the Disco
"Would it be alright if we just sat and talked for a little while if in exchange for your time I give you this smile?"  (this is my all time favorite song and I feel good when I listen to it no matter what)

Mumford and Sons- Awake my Soul
"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."

Light of a Clear Blue Morning- Dolly Parton
"It's just a mountain, I can move it, and with faith enough there's nothing I can't do."

Had to throw in some Dolly at the end for good measure. Early 90's Dolly even, for extra good measure. Triple bonus points for the harmonica solo in the middle, how often do you hear that one?? It's one of my favorites that I've loved since I was a kid and another one that I can listen to no matter what mood I'm in, and suddenly I'm giddy. This song feels like a perfect prayer, by the end of it I'm uplifted. Gotta love how music can do that.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Why I Love the Sisters

I'm going to preface this post by saying that I'm in no way trying to represent the Benedictine Sisters of Erie with what I'm about to say, this is my own opinion and thought, that's it. That being said, please continue.

As I'm sure most of you have heard, the Vatican decided yesterday that it needed to crack down on the crazy, feminist sisters of the US.

Everyone, say it with me now:

Evidently, some of the philosophies and programs established by women religious of the US do not adhere to church doctrine. Apparently advocating for women, children, the poor, needy and disadvantaged of this country are things the Vatican no longer approves of. When did church doctrine stop abiding by the teachings of Christ to love all people, to see all as equal and valid, no matter what?

Way to go. Did they approve of such things in the first place? I wonder. Tell me, what does the Vatican advocate anymore?

Let's forget what many of the men of the church have been up to in recent years, with scandals left and right. It appears the Church is looking for a major distraction from such issues, and found its scapegoat. Women religious (and lets be honest, most women with half a clue) are advocating for equal treatment of women, gay rights, womens reproductive rights, and ordination of woman, among other things. How dare we? Because, ya know, the men obviously know whats best for the women. They know what it's like to be denied necessary health care, to be treated like a second class citizen, to be voiceless in a world dominated by a clueless bunch of monkeys of the opposite sex. Right?

Oh yeah, that's right, THAT'S NEVER HAPPENED for them. And God forbid anyone challenge what the bishops say.

Tell you what, without the women religious of this country what would our health care or education systems look like? What would the Catholic faith as we know it in the US look like? How many Catholics in the US stay with the church for no reason other than women's religious communities and their experiences with them?

Guess what, gentlemen, the reason I love and stand by the Catholic faith is because of the sisters. They showed me that I don't have to agree with every rule set out by the Vatican, that there are other beliefs and practices out there that are very much Catholic and inline with who I want to be as a Catholic woman. Your way is not the only way, and I've found a place in the Catholic church that I can call my own. The sisters I know and love are having a huge impact on my life, and will continue to do so well into the future. Where would I be without them?

If I could say one thing to these Vatican officials it'd be this: you are clueless, and you don't even understand what it means to be a Catholic anymore because you're so out of touch with the real, everyday people of this faith- especially its women. Get a clue, get a grip, and realize that the world is changing. We're not living in the middle ages anymore, and your backwards, corrupt, patriarchal establishment needs to change if you want to see this church not only survive but thrive into the future.

I stand by my sisters, I stand by all women religious in this country. To take a few words from Sister Joan's response found here : "If everything you do has to be approved by somebody outside, then you’re giving your charism away, and you’re certainly demeaning the ability of women to make distinctions."

I encourage all of my readers to read up on this issue, sign this lovely petition here in support of our sisters, and tell the Vatican that we've had more than enough. Pass it along, get the word out there, support the women religious of this country.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I'm not sure I have the words to do justice to Holy Week here at the Mount. I can say for certain that I'm ruined for life, I'm not sure I want to experience the Triduum anywhere else but here. Everything about the services over the last few days was bursting with celebration and reverence. I absolutely loved it.

I was able to participate in a few things at the various services and events. There was egg decorating Wednesday night, I gave a reflection to the retreatants on the morning of Holy Thursday, I was a voice during the washing of the feet ceremony and a table server at dinner on Holy Thursday, I was a guide for the Good Friday Peace Pilgrimage, I was part of a liturgical movement group for a contemporary lamentation piece on environmental issues Saturday morning, I processed in with flowers at the Easter Vigil Saturday night, and Alyssa and I were in charge of decorating one of the niches in the back of the chapel. It was a non-stop few days, but it was nice to be included in multiple aspects.

From the first time I experienced the Triduum 2 years ago as I came to the end of my RCIA experience, I loved it. I've always liked Easter, but it definitely became my favorite part of the Liturgical year. I love it even more having experienced it here with this community. The Vigil Saturday night was by far my favorite part of Holy Week. The music alone was enough to floor me. Add in the way the readings were done, the flowers were processed in, the way everyone sang and danced at the end, it was beyond compare of anything I've ever been a part of.

Check out the Sisters' website here to see the story on decorating the chapel for Easter

Also check out Sister Susan Doubet's blog here for more photos and stories about Holy Week.

Happy Easter everyone!!