Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

As it was put yesterday at lunch: " survived your first major holiday at the Mount. Congratulations."

It was really a great week and weekend, spent with my family and my Sisters. My grandparents from Tennessee came up to visit, as did my Mom, her fiance and my brother and sister. I was so excited to see everyone, and to have them here with me. I love sharing this place with people.

It was nice just to see my family, especially my grandparents who I only get to see a couple of times a year. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner (and I'm sure my mom was just happy she didn't have to cook or do dishes after!) and had fun just hanging out with each other. We also got into a ridiculous game of Mad Gab Thursday night that I wish could have been filmed, because it was priceless.

I've had a few days to think about what I'm most thankful for. My family and all their support and love. The Sisters and all they're doing for me. Both of the above for challenging me and supporting me. The refugees and kids I work with everyday who've helped me look at my life in a new light. I'm thankful for everything my Mom has done to get me where I am. I'm thankful for my best friend who is with me every step of the way. I'm thankful for my mentor and our program director, both for keeping me laughing, thinking, questioning and humble. I'm thankful for this opportunity to learn and grow.

I'm thankful, above all else, to be so blessed.

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