Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm home for the first time since August, and it feels great! As I write this, my dog is curled up next to me, so I'm pretty happy :)

Christmas at the Mount was absolutely wonderful, I can't begin to put it into words. The celebrations at Liturgy, singing in Schola, dancing around the tree, giving and receiving such wonderful gifts, it was all pretty amazing. A couple Sisters asked me on Saturday and Sunday if it was hard being away from my family. I said yes, to an extent- I would see them in the evening Christmas day, which made it easier. Plus, I didn't feel like I was entirely away from family, being there with the Sisters feels pretty darn home-like to me. But it is nice to be spending a few days back in New York, seeing some family and friends that I haven't seen in months.

I probably won't update again until next week when I'm back at the Mount. But in the meantime I'll leave you with this prayer I found last year, and stumbled upon again today while looking around on my computer. Enjoy!

Dear God,
When the day is too busy and the voices too loud, when there is too much on my mind and too little in my heart, when I plan too much for tomorrow and explain too much about yesterday, when I have hidden my true feelings inside and then complained of being lonely and misunderstood, be my good shepherd and my friend.

Gather up my jangled nerves, my tensed muscles, my anxious and fluttering heart.  Send life pulsing through me like an irresistible flood.

But show me how to be quiet, too.  Teach me to be still.  In deep stillness let me rest.  Let silence surround me like a friend, calming me and instructing me with deeper wisdom from within.

When my day is too busy and the voices are all too loud, be my good shepherd and my friend.


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