As I was leaving the Cafe on Friday my boss asked me if it would be a quiet weekend at the Mount. I told her besides the Canisius students coming on Sunday (which I was soooooooo excited about!!) it was going to be a low key weekend.
I lied. But not on purpose.
I'm notoriously clumsy, to the point I should probably come with a disclaimer warning, my own roll of bubble wrap and a helmet. My mom actually probably should have made my middle name Clumsy.
Yeah, that bad.
So, anyway, here's the story: Once a week I'm in charge of cleaning up the copier room in the library here at the Mount. So yesterday morning I went and got my cleaning supplies (and lost Alyssa somewhere in the process) and went to start my work. The first thing I wanted to do was clean the table with the paper cutter, pencil sharpener, stapler, etc. on it. I move everything onto the paper cutter so I can clean half the table, spray the cleaner and start wiping the table.
(do you see where this is going yet?)
Because I'm stupid and was apparently in my own universe at that moment, I slid my hand right underneath the blade of the paper cutter, which (go figure) is just far enough off the table that my finger fit right underneath it. I cut my pointer finger on my right hand pretty bad. Upon realizing what I did, and in a complete panic, I ran straight upstairs to the infirmary to find a nurse.
Of course, the one time I need someone there is not a soul in the hallway outside the library, and I couldn't find anyone upstairs in the infirmary. So I ran down the hall to try and find the nurse with no luck. Finally, I just stopped by the desk back at the front. By this time I was pretty much flipping out and bleeding pretty bad.
But just then the nurse came popping out of the bathroom and I just held up my hand and said "I need help!" so she finally got me to sit and grabbed some towels and bandages and started to clean me up. It wasn't until I sat down that I realized how bad it hurt and that I was shaking and crying. The nurse was great, calming me down, cleaning me up and sending me downstairs to rest.
On my way back to my room I stopped on the 1st floor to see if I could find Alyssa yet. She still was nowhere to be found, but I did run into a Sister who saw my bandaged hand and asked what I did and told me I better get my butt to the hospital right away. So I went downstairs to our hallway and tried to find Alyssa, who wasn't in her room and I was so drained by that point I didn't even know what to do with myself besides cry some more.
Just then I hear the same Sister come running up the hallway looking for Alyssa, who was down the hall in the laundry room. The Sister ran right up to her "you have to take Carrie to the ER right now." Alyssa had no idea what in the world was even happening, so she looked at me with the most alarmed face, and I raised my hand up.
Within about 30 seconds we were in our jackets and heading out the door. We went to one of the hospitals here in Erie. 1 hour, 2 stitches, and a best friend almost passing out at the sight of me getting stitched up later, and I was good as new (well....kind of.)
Needless to say, it's been killing me, especially once the nerve block wore off. But it could have been much worse, and I'm thankful for that much.
Now, I tend to injure myself in some capacity once every year or two. So I guess it's good that I got it done and out of the way early this year. In the meantime, I'll work on that bubble wrap and helmet...
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My boo-boo |
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