I'm a loud, outgoing, talkative, energetic person most of the time. Some days I feel like I'm constantly going, going, going... I should have "Energizer" stamped on my back. So when I slow down, quiet down, and tune out- which doesn't happen all that often- I tend to throw people off. Especially those who know me best.
Most of the time I'd choose to spend the evening talking about my day with Alyssa, or my mentor, or just in general with a sister who is curious about the day's events. But I'm discovering more and more lately that I need quiet. I almost crave it at the end of a particularly long, loud, hectic day. It's a chance to escape, to talk to God, to process, to unwind, to re-energize. There are days I expend so much energy that by the time I get home I'm sapped.
Last week I was extremely happy that on Wednesday night it was exceptionally warm out, and the moon was full and bright as could be. So, Alyssa and I decided to head outside for a walk after dinner (and after some rather competitive Jeopardy viewing with my mentor and our director.) We walked for about 45 minutes, and most of it was in silence. It was so peaceful out, so still, so perfect. Alyssa talked a little, I mostly just listened, and we just walked.
My reflection day on Thursday turned out to be rainy and dreary, so I wasn't able to go sit outside like I was hoping. I have a couple of spots out in the woods and down at Glinodo that I like to go to sit when I need some peace. But after some reading and reflecting in the afternoon I decided to head to the chapel. In the back there is a little room with the tabernacle, I went in there and sat on a bench in the back of the room for over a half hour and talked out loud to God. I ranted a little and I prayed a lot. And I walked out feeling incredibly rejuvenated and at peace.
So, I've been a little stressed the last couple of weeks, but I'm doing just fine. All will be well in a couple of weeks once I get used to my new responsibilities at the Cafe. As I mentioned in my post last week- I am blessed with the most wonderful support system, they help keep me up on two feet. And of course, I couldn't do any of this if I didn't have God on my side.
My apologies if this is a rambling mess :) For being such a good sport, I'll include a song at the end that I'm madly in love with...is it a contradiction to end a post about quiet with a song? Eh, oh well :) enjoy: Meteor Shower
"I am not my own, for I have been made new. Please don't let me go, I desperately need You."
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